My Work
Work Samples
The Digital Divide in NYS
This mapping application uses multiple media types to help users understand the digital divide in NYS. It includes maps that show FCC Broadband Scores by County and also Internet Access for Children and Youth Under 18. It includes an embedded video highlighting the difficulty faced by many families accessing Internet for their children’s schoolwork during COVID.
This story map also includes multiple Tableau Dashboards showing Broadband Access by Income and Race, as well as an interactive listing of CEP Schools and School Districts that are eligible to receive assistance from the Affordable Connectivity Program.
Youth Development Equity Mapping Demonstration
The purpose of this mapping application is to make equitable and informed decisions about youth development programming based on existing community needs and opportunities. This application shows youth development program funding amounts and children contact totals at the county and city and town levels in relation to relevant indicator maps at the county and census tract levels.
NYS Child Care Desert Mapping Application
New York State identified $100M to build and expand child care capacity in areas with the least supply. The NYS Child Care Deserts Map shows all census tracts in NYS, the gap in available child care slots and the potential base request for application (RFA) score for each tract. This mapping application was used as a tool for child care provider applicants and the NYS Office of Children and Families to distribute American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to expand child care capacity in NYS.
NYS Liquor Authority Mapping Project (LAMP)
The purpose of this mapping application is to help determine the eligibility of establishments requesting a liquor license in relation to their proximity to churches and schools. Different types of licenses have different requirements. This application allows users to interact with the map and customize and export their results. In addition, users can generate a proximity report for an address showing the 8 closest liquor stores, schools and churches within 500 feet and pending and active on premises liquor licenses within 750 feet. This was a collaborative project with Cogent Technologies in Troy, NY.
NYS Child Care, After School and Parent Support Locator
This application maps NYS child care programs, afterschool programs and parent support (home visiting) programs in NYS. For child care and after school programs, users enter an address and are provided results within a buffer range from 1 to 10 miles, with program information and driving directions. The Parent Support (home visiting) map (using Tableau) shows parent support programs by county and provides a program description, contact information and areas served.
NYS KIDS COUNT Data Book - Advancing Race Equity
This Tableau Story allows users to identify areas where progress is being made, determine where further resources and efforts are needed to help guide community efforts, so all children achieve a high standard of well-being. (Please Note: I created this Tableau Story, but the Tableau Public account shows a new Tableau developer name because I retired in 2018 and the same account is being used by a new employee).